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Hempfield Area Food Pantry Update

During the month of August, the food pantry served 192 families which included 94 seniors, 252 children, and 312 adults, for a total of 658 people served during the month.

Food PantryDuring the month of August, the food pantry served 192 families which included 94 seniors, 252 children, and 312 adults, for a total of 658 people served during the month. Currently there are more than 240 families registered to receive assistance with food. Clients may visit the pantry once a week, either Monday or Wednesday…an average of 100 families visit the pantry each week.

“Thank you” to your members who contributed over 100 pounds of food items to the pantry during the month of August!  The pantry continues to receive fresh produce from our “summer farmers!”

Highlighted donations during the month of August included:  WJTL Cookie Break event – 826 pounds of food ; Darrenkamps Store in Mount Joy – 2,098 pounds of fresh produce;  Penn State Extension Research fields – 304 pounds of fresh produce; Forry’s Market – 334 pounds of food items; many private individuals totaled  – 697 pounds of food items including fresh produce; the Target Store in Lititz – 1,037 pounds of food items, fresh produce, and bakery items; S. Clyde Weaver – 188 pounds of bakery items; Weis stores in Columbia and on Stony Battery Road a combined total of 1,201 pounds of bakery items.  In addition, the pantry receives monthly donations of food items from many other churches in the Hempfield community. The pantry is a total community effort working together to help families with weekly food assistance!

The pantry is seeking donations of NEW, small gift items to fill Christmas bags (lunch bag size) for the children (age 12 and under) of client families.  Donations may be delivered to Zion the week of December 1 through December 6 during pantry “open” days (Monday and Wednesday 8 AM – 12:00 PM).  Bags will be filled on Saturday December 7.  We do not need tooth brushes…..many have been already donated!

63 School kits and 50 Health Kits made Sunday Sept. 8!

A BIG “thank you” goes out to everyone at Holy Spirit for making the “God’s Work, Our Hands” event a success. We givethanks to our awesome and mighty God for laying on our hearts the needs of others and the desire to do HIS work!

A BIG “thank you” goes out to everyone at Holy Spirit for making the “God’s Work, Our Hands” event a success. We givethanks to our awesome and mighty God for laying on our hearts the needs of others and the desire to do HIS work!

The t-shirts were bright and uplifting during Worship and in the Spirit Center where we gathered after church! Over 1,250 items were donated by our members for the School and Health Kits. Pastor Eshbach was with us, via SKYPE, to bless the kits and encourage us as we began the newyear. The assembly lines of kids and adults at our Kick-Off went to work! 63 School Kits and 50 Health Kits were made in record time! We sang our VBS “Stand Strong” theme song before Pastor Eshbach closed us in prayer. Thanks to the many hands and hearts that worked to make this Intergenerational Event a memorable and fun time!

From the Pastor: October 2013

This month of October is important for our community as we offer our pledges of support for 2014, participate in a first ever health fair, study together in our Christian education offerings and prepare for the great festivals that remain this year. This would be an excellent time for you to invite someone to partake of the home cooking that is Holy Spirit. Invite someone now to see how we offer our service to God.


Your prayers, words of concern, comfort, and yes, even the silly jokes and bad puns have all helped considerably as I continue to recover. Thank you!

As I wrote last month, I had no idea what it would be like. Now I can tell you that while everything went very well with the surgery,  it was not the most pleasant experience I’ve ever had.

The first week in the hospital, dealing with the surgical issues and fighting an infection is something I do not wish on anyone, and pray I’ll never have  to deal with again.

But once I came home, things began to improve. There is something to be said about “home cooking!”

Now I’m looking forward to the home cooking of being back with you on Sunday morning, and beyond. While I still have a couple of issues to deal with, they will resolve themselves in the coming months.

This month of October is important for our community as we offer our pledges of support for 2014, participate in a first ever health fair, study together in our Christian education offerings and prepare for the great festivals that remain this year. This would be an excellent time for you to invite someone to partake of the home cooking that is Holy Spirit. Invite someone now to see how we offer our service to God…

….sharing Jesus love in word and deed.


Commitment Sunday: October 6, 2013

Members recently received a mailing for our 2014 Annual Appeal. Your pledge card and a return envelope were included. We ask that you complete this card thoughtfully and prayerfully.

Members recently received a mailing for our 2014 Annual Appeal. Your pledge card and a return envelope were included. We ask that you complete this card thoughtfully and prayerfully. When you bring your pledge card to church on October 6, you will be asked to bring the card forward at the start of the worship service as a visible sign of your commitment to support the basic weekly ministries at Holy Spirit.

Why should you pledge?

  1. Completing a pledge card provides you the opportunity to consider how God has blessed you and how you will respond to those blessings.
  2. Completing a pledge card involves planning and should include prayer and discussion within your family as to what your response will be.
  3. Completing a pledge card provides a level of commitment which you can accomplish in the coming year.
  4. Pledges are a way for your congregation leadership team to more accurately develop a financial plan for next year.
  5. Having such a financial plan in place gives all of us a foundation and guidance to plan for the future.

Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us be faithful disciples and enables us to grow in the ministry and outreach of our church. Thank you!

Elizabeth Eaton elected ELCA presiding bishop

The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Northeastern Ohio Synod, was elected Aug. 14 presiding bishop of the ELCA at the 2013 ELCA Churchwide Assembly.

PITTSBURGH (ELCA) – The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Northeastern Ohio Synod, was elected Aug. 14 presiding bishop of the ELCA at the 2013 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. Eaton is the ELCA’s first presiding bishop-elect.

Prior to becoming synod bishop, Eaton served as pastor for ELCA congregations in Ohio. She earned a Master’s of divinity degree from Harvard Divinity School in Cambridge, Mass., and a Bachelor’s degree in music education from the College of Wooster in Wooster, Ohio.