60th Anniversary Celebration & Rally Day!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

60th Anniversary Observance

In 1959 a new Lutheran congregation was planted in the sparsely populated western suburbs of Lancaster. On Sunday, September 8 Holy Spirit will observe 60 years at this location, now the not so sparsely populated western suburbs of Lancaster.

We will begin the day united in word and sacrament worship.  There will be some displays of photos and artifacts from the past. But just as importantly, we will use the morning engaged in service to the world in fulfillment of our mission to share Jesus’ love in word and deed. The article to the right will explain that part of the day.

Of course, there will be refreshments as we get together, in gratitude to God who placed us here, and who continues to call us to the task of proclamation, invitation, and service, in Jesus’ name.

Rally Day! God’s Work. Our Hands.

Rally Day is around the corner!  Sunday, September 8th we will all gather in Fellowship Hall after worship to pack School Kits and Personal Care Kits. We need your help to gather the supplies for 50 kits! On the windows in the narthex are “tags”.  Grab-a-tag (more than one if you want) and purchase the items needed to complete the kits. Bring your donations back by September 1st and we will get the assembly lines ready to go for the BIG EVENT!  In addition to the fun working on the assembly lines, we will have our “last quilt” of the season ready to knot. Even if you have never knotted a quilt before there will be someone waiting to show you how to do it and cheering you on!  Come and have refreshments and fun while we work together for an awesome cause.


2018 Quilt Auction

Sunday, November 4
at Camp Nawakwa

The Quilt Auction will be held at Camp Nawakwa on Sunday, November 4.  We will carpool from the church right after Sunday School.  Look for a clipboard sign-up sheet on the round table in the narthex if you are planning to go.  There is a Silent Auction at 2 p.m. and the Quilt Auction begins at 3 p.m.  Pastor Eshbach introduces each quilt and is our “master of ceremonies”.  The money raised helps provide camp scholarships.  An evening meal wraps up a fun afternoon at camp. See Patti LaPorte if you have any questions.


School Kits & Personal Care Kits

God’s Work, Our Hands!
September 13, 2015

On September 13, 2015 we will be packing Personal Care Kits and School Kits for Lutheran World Relief.  Holy Spirit will be joining other congregations, Synod-wide, for this special day of service.   We will gather in Fellowship Hall after morning worship.  In “assembly line fashion” we will put together over fifty of each of the kits. This is an Intergenerational Event, all are welcome!  Light refreshments will be served!  Come and be a part of an exciting experience of helping others.


GRAB-A-TAG: We ask that you take a post-it note and buy one type of item in quantity.  Drop off your donations, in the baskets provided, located in the narthex before September 13th.


News from Social Ministry

Donate during the month of June

Holy Spirit’s ministry to the ladies at The Gatehouse is one of out reach and friendship.  During the month of June the Social Ministry Team will sponsor a collection of travel size beauty products, toiletries, shampoo, conditioner, and manicure products (Emory boards and nail polishes).  These small items will help make a big difference in everyday personal care for the ladies.  There will be a large, brightly colored gift bag in the narthex where you can place your donations.  A BIG “thank you” in advance for your help with this project!


October Social Ministry Opportunities

Highway cleanup and Hambright Elementary

Highway Clean Up

Twice a year we do our part in the community to keep Running Pump Road looking clean. The fall highway clean-up day has been set for Saturday, October 11. We will meet at 7 a.m. in the lower parking lot to get organized and then head out to pick up litter along the road. The morning goes by quickly, especially with several hands working together.

Hambright Elementary School

Our ongoing support of the students and family in poverty at the Hambright Elementary School continues. We keep in touch with the school counselors and social workers and strive to support them through our affiliation with Kathryn’s Kloset in Baltimore, from which we have been able to donate cleaning supplies and laundry detergent.

And just before Thanksgiving, we will again receive the tags for Christmas gifts for some of their students in need. Look for those tags right before Thanksgiving.