Dear Holy Spirit Family,
In the New Testament, each evangelist is a little bit different from the others—and that’s a good thing!
The first act of Christ’s public ministry in Matthew’s Gospel is the Sermon on the Mount—teaching and preaching the Way.
In Mark, the first public action of Jesus is to cast an unclean spirit from a worship gathering.
In Luke, Jesus proclaims Jubilee in his hometown synagogue, but his first public action turns south when he lifts up two biblical stories where Nazareth’s are blessed.
Then, in John’s Gospel, Jesus becomes the “life of the party” when he turns water into wine on the Third Day.
As a pastor, I’ve noticed that every congregation is a little bit different—and that’s a good thing! For example, you are the only Holy Spirit Lutheran Church in our synod, and you are a congregation gifted in being able to walk alongside of others. And that’s the Spirit Jesus promises to send in John’s Gospel. When I think of Holy Spirit/Lancaster, I always give thanks for how you walk with others who need encouragement.
Since I’m an interim pastor, I know that you will call a new pastor this year. Whoever it will be, I know they will be different from Pastor Cliff, and they will be different from me. Again, my refrain is, “That’s a good thing!”
I’m praying for your call committee, the congregation council, the congregation and the candidate. I imagine Holy Spirit and our synod being blessed by the next pastor God sends to serve you.
As we prepare and pray through this process, I’m curious to hear from you, “Which Gospel Evangelist is your favorite? Matthew or Mark or Luke or John? And why?”
Looking forward to good conversations with you this month!
Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing,
Loved people+,
Love people,
Pastor Tim