Invite: “To request formally,” “to request the presence or participation of.”
In mid-January, the adult class discussed this word, invite, and what it means within the context of Christian community. What we discovered is that there is “more than meets the eye” than the dictionary definitions listed above.
After all when we invite someone to be with us at church, we are asking them to become part of something more than a nice place to be. We are asking them to be part of an intentional Christian community, in the Lutheran tradition, which worships God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, by which we connect with God through word and sacraments, and are prepared and energized to give witness to our faith through service in the world.
It is a big step for someone to listen to and accept such an invitation. And it can be a challenging conversation to have with another person. After all, one’s faith journey can be complicated.
But having these inviting conversations are something we are called to do. That’s why during this year, we are going to take some time to discuss Christian invitation, and how we can be best prepared to share our own story, as we invite others to share theirs. I invite your presence at these conversations. After all personal contact between people is still considered the best method for introducing someone into a faith community.
Holy Spirit has much to share. And we will share that story with everyone we invite, during this important year of our 60th anniversary.
Clifton D. Eshbach,