What Holy Spirit Means to Me

Each month a different writer will offer their unique perspective as to how they value congregation life here.

When I came to Holy Spirit Church for the first time, Pastor Jorgenson was here. I was looking for a church to call mine.  I was going to go from church to church until I found my “spiritual home”. I did not have any list of what I needed or wanted  in a church; but I knew where I was going before, off and on for 5 years, was NOT it.  I spoke to my friend Carol who I had known a long time about Holy Spirit before I came to visit because she was so happy with this church, Holy Spirit. The first Sunday I came, Pastor greeted everyone at the front door even though it was cold out. Carol introduced me and upon entering The Holy Spirit family greeted me with things like “welcome”, “it is good to have you here”, and “we hope you will come back again and again”. I was very impressed because in the 5 years at another church, there was only one couple who ever said that to me. So, I decided to come again.  The second Sunday, again Pastor greeted me at the front door and said ” good morning, Pat”. He remembered my name. Made me feel very special and welcome.  As I was in the Narthex, Patrick found out I was in banking and said oh, great, you are now on the finance committee. I was never asked to do one thing at the previous church.  But, to be fair I never felt like I wanted to volunteer either. I felt at home and already a member of this great family. Being Italian, our goal was always, with no exception, to make people feel welcome by your actions, words and of course food. The definition of the word family is all the descendants of a common ancestor.  Does that describe all people or what.

Pat Winters