From the Pastor

March 2016

I am writing this article just days after my return to worship leadership following my shoulder surgery. While mentally I was ready to return, my shoulder tells me to make sure I pace myself during the next few months of recovery. That pace is going vary.  Sometimes the pace will be slow. Other times the pace will feel fast.

This month of March is filled with changes of pace as we worship God. We begin with the pace of Lent. Then when we get to Passion/Palm Sunday, the pace of Holy Week increases and becomes more intense as we approach Good Friday.  We end this month with the great celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord, with an entire new pace and an entire new outlook on our future.

Our worship during this month requires our attendance so that God may be served, and we share as a community in the central story of what makes us Christian. As you mark the dates of our worship, be sure that you reach out and invite other people to join you in these most holy days of the year. Our service to Jesus in word and deed includes our faithful ability to reach out, invite, and participate in God’s world of love, mercy and grace. I look forward to joining with you in this unique mission of Christian service.


Clifton D. Eshbach,
