The days of intentional rest and refreshment appear…

The days of intentional rest and refreshment appear to be behind us. Amusement parks have cut back the hours when they are open. The summer camping season at Nawakwa and Kirchenwald is over. We have even begin to wonder when the 2016 calendars will be available.

We have entered September. It is the traditional time when we return from our respective travels and come back together. We return to worship, to participate in Christian education, to serve in the various ministries of this congregation in a more consistent manner.

Throughout the pages of this newsletter you will find a place to serve, to learn, to fit in. You are part of a community which attempts to set its sights high on proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed.  And there is a place for you in accomplishing that mission. So read on! Come back here every week to worship. And go out into the world every day to serve. And invite, invite, invite. Invite someone who you know who would benefit from the words of forgiveness, the real presence of Christ, and the inspiration to serve. Your effort to invite is an expression of the invitation of Christ himself.

“Whoever welcomes you, welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.”  Matthew 10:40