H.O.T.S. Food Drive!
Saturday, November 7th 1-2pm
Our H.O.T.S. Youth are planning a Food Drive event for November 7th and they need YOUR help! The youth will be actively participating in collecting your donations between 1pm and 2pm on November 7th. We ask that you please drive up to the front doors of the church, and our youth (and adult helpers) will greet you at your car to collect your donations of non-perishable foods. If at all possible, we encourage you to please drop items off during this hour so that the youth can see and be involved in the actual collection process. If you are unable to be at the church between the hours of 1pm and 2pm on November 7th, we would be happy to accept your donations during the week prior. A donation box will be placed in the Narthex for this purpose. All donated items will be delivered to the Hempfield Food Pantry following the event. We appreciate your support!
- peanut butter and jelly
- canned meats: tuna, chicken
- canned meals: ravioli, spaghetti
- canned vegetables
- canned fruits
- parmalat (boxed milk)
- pasta and rice
- breakfast cereal
- dried beans
- juice boxes
- canned soups