Summer Trip for Children

Faith in the Wilderness: Tuesday, July 29 (ages 6 to 12)

Summer Trip for Children

Tuesday, July 29 (ages 6 to 12)

Faith in the Wilderness:

the summer day program held at the Lutheran Camping Corporation’s Wittel Farm, near Elizabethtown

It’s your first mission trip to learn about God’s great world!

The Bible contains vivid stories and lessons of people living faithfully amid the challenges, hardships, and temptations of the wilderness. Moses, John the Baptist, Jesus and his disciples,

Elijah, Noah, and many others spent time in and endured the hardships of the wilderness through God’s grace and by faith. While we may not often think about the wilderness in our day-to-day lives, we live in a modern wilderness that regularly challenges our faith. The 2014 Wittel Farm Summer Day Program will bring to life some of the best-known wilderness Bible stories through games, stories, discussions, activities, worship, and crafts. We will gain deeper understanding of our faith and of God’s grace. We will be inspired to live faithful lives in our modern wilderness.

We’ll leave from the church at 8:45 a.m. The program includes lunch. And following lunch we’re invited to make the short drive to Camp Kirchenwald for some time in the swimming pool! We will arrive back at the church around 3:30 p.m.

The registration fee is being underwritten by the youth fund. But each person is asked to bring one can of food to be donated to a local food bank.  Some parents will be asked to help in driving. If you can help, pleased indicate that on the registration form. Just fill out, detach and hand in the lower part of this page to the church office.


Wittel Farm Day Trip—Tuesday July 29, 2014

Child’s Name: Age:

Parent/Guardian Name:

Parent/Guardian telephone number: ____________  email:

Is your child allowed to go swimming following lunch?

Is there any food or other situation that the chaperones need to be aware of?


Name of the person who will be dropping off/picking up the child at the church:


Would you be able to provide transportation on this day?