Summer Hymn Sings

June 23 * July 21 * August 18

The Summer Hymn Sings will be held on Sunday, June 23rd, July 21st and August 18th.  The Hymn Sings will take the place of the Prelude on those Sundays.  We will begin singing at 9:15 am. Come prepared to request that we sing a verse or two of your favorite hymn.  Note: you many want to check the page number for your favorite hymn ahead of time.


Christmas Eve Services

December 24th
6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.

Your invited to our




There will be two worship services on Christmas Eve.  The 6:00 pm service will be geared toward families with children, and will include Holy Communion and the singing of Silent Night by candlelight.  The 10:00 pm service will be a festival liturgy of Word and Sacrament as well as the singing of Silent Night by candlelight.



Begin 2015 with Worship

Sunday, January 4th Worship @ 9:30 p.m. plus our annual Blessing of our House will follow outside

January 4, 2015 is the first Sunday of the new year. It is also the Second Sunday after Christmas. We will observe the close of the Christmas season with our 9:30 am with a service of Word & Sacrament.  Following the service we will move outside, as was done last year, to do an Epiphany blessing of our ’house’ for the new year. Look for an appearance of the three kings!


Lancaster Heritage Chorale Concert

Sunday, January 4th @ 4:00 p.m.

Lancaster Heritage Chorale Concert

Once again we are privileged to host the Lancaster Heritage Chorale as they present their final concert of the Christmas season on Sunday, January 4th beginning at 4:00 pm.   This is a wonderful way to bring the Christmas season to a close. Light refreshments will be served following the concert.  Everyone is welcome to attend.


Thanksgiving Eve Worship

November 26, 7:00 p.m. held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

Thanksgiving Eve Worship

The annual community Thanksgiving Eve Service will be hosted by St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 222 North George St., Millersville on Wednesday, November 26th at 7:00 pm.  Pastor Eshbach will be preaching and special music will be provided by the choirs of Holy Sprit, Concordia and St. Paul’s.  This worship is a meaningful way to begin your Thanksgiving holiday.