Contact the church office with any questions and to sign up for any of these ministries: or 717-394-6771
Ministry Minute is a weekly update on events happening through the church. Sign-up to receive an email or a phone call.
The Courier is our monthly newsletter. Keep up-to-date on activities in the church and always have the church calendar on hand. There are three ways to get your Courier:
* Pick up your Courier the first Sunday of the month (Don’t worry if you miss a Sunday we will mail it to you.)
* Have the Courier mailed directly to you.
* NEW– Request to have the Courier emailed to you.
Prayer Chain is a group of folks willing to pray for members of the church family and the ones they love.
* Receive an email with the current prayer needs
* Be a part of the phone chain to share the current prayer needs with one another.
Church Directory Update
We are updating our church directory. If you would like to be in the directory or you have changes to make please let us know! Several church directories will be on the round table in the narthex to review your contact information. Send updates to the church office: or write a note and place it in the offering box.