From the Pastor- May 2022

Greetings Friends in Christ!

I must tell you what a joy it has been to be with all of you. Our Holy Week celebrations grounded us in this most important time.  We leaned in close to hear these words and deeds of Jesus as he entered Jerusalem in triumph and exited this world on a cross. As we waited through Holy Saturday our youngest asked me. “Why do we call that day good?” 

“Why do you think we call that day good?” I replied. 

“Maybe because we found out just how much God loves us?” she stated with a hint of a question.

Humanity’s violence was absorbed on the cross that day. And we gathered together on Easter Sunday knowing that humanity’s sentence had been overturned. The joy of Easter was palpable in our gathering. Those tiny little mischievous bells rang out announcing our joy and our hope knowing that the cross is not the end of the story but the beginning of a rich and cosmic epic.

Today I am filled with hope. Though we are all weary and exhausted from this prolonged state of stress that we have all been through, there are signs that the stone is being rolled away from our slumber. Our pandemic brains are finding new purchase, and we are venturing out more and more. 

I am excited to learn more about all of you.  I want to hear about who you are and where you think God might be stirring in our midst.  I want to know about your everyday life and how God is showing up unexpectedly.  Call me your pastor but know that I think I also might be your midwife. Because something is stirring and new life is forming.

I want you to know that I am available to you. Though I wish I were at times, I am not a mind reader. Please reach out when you need support. Never say to yourself that the pastor is too busy for you.  I love when I am busy with the work of the kingdom.  To that end, I want you to know how you can reach me. I am almost always available by cell phone, email, or text.  I will be keeping regular office hours on Monday through Thursday from 9-12.  You will often find me at church beyond those hours but an appointment is recommended so that you don’t miss me if I’m out on a visit or at a meeting.

Pastor Gretchen
