I’m not a “Church Hopper” but in the spring and summer of 2009 I found myself looking for a new church to worship in. My knees and legs were deteriorating too much to be able to handle all of the steps in the beautiful old church where I had been a member for thirty five years.
My plan was to visit other churches in the area to see what was out there. One of my early visits was to Holy Spirit Lutheran Church on Columbia Avenue. It was the only one I returned to multiple times. I was impressed by the fact that, not only was I greeted there but that some of the people actually remembered my name on subsequent visits! This was most unusual and although I had told the pastor that I did not plan to join the church, I did join later that year, a decision I have never regretted. I became involved in the various programs of the church something that I would suggested for every member. There are various small groups. i.e. Bible Studies, a book group, the prayer shawl knitting group, the quilting group, the prayer chain, the choir, greeters, and ushers to name a few. Each one is a way of knowing your neighbor and of being God’s hands.
I have felt as time went, by that my move was an answer to prayer and not just a whim of my own. I could never have foreseen how fortunate I would be to be a part of this congregation and the physical and spiritual care I have received here since my subsequent surgery and recovery.
Now six years later I thank this congregation and God for my many blessings and pray that I can be as warm and giving to others as others have been to me, that together we can be led by the Spirit. About which St. Paul wrote “Gifts of the Spirit are love, joy , peace long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, and faint…” Galatians 5:22
If you are not involved in the various activities and opportunities for service and fellowship which are part of this congregation I urge you to “try it you’ll like it”