In this month when we commemorate the beginning of the Reformation, 498 years ago, Holy Spirit will be using this month to meet to continue to discern directions for our ministry. We will do some of this in our adult Sunday School class as we learn more about the meaning of the five themes of congregational life.
And, as you will read on another page of this newsletter, we will be having a special meeting of the congregation on Sunday October 18, to take action on two recommendations of the Congregation Council.
One recommendation is to approve a contract which will result in the demolition of the house we own at 3121 Columbia Ave. After receiving direction from us at our May meeting, the Council did research, resulting in this recommendation. The removal of the house will end one chapter of ministry, and it will open another as having additional green space will assist our outdoor ministry possibilities, and enhance the first view people have of the property.
The second recommendation is to approve a contract for a new message sign. This sign will replace the current sign and be installed in the current brick frame. This will give us an updated, clean look as people view our invitation to join us for worship.
And thanks to the awarding of a grant to us, we will be able to accomplish both projects with no debt to the congregation. I am grateful to the work the Council has done over the summer on these projects. Both will be helpful to our future, as we continue to pray about, and study our role as a congregation striving to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Clifton D. Eshbach