I’m not one to use a lot of superlative adjectives to describe something. “Great” and “Awesome” is about as far as I usually go.
But there is an exception to everything.
The emphasis that is placed on the need for, and the value of, attending worship during Holy Week is something that requires the use of adjectives. Words like “significant,” ‘magnitude” and “sacred” should be used frequently to describe the importance of the worship experiences of this week.
The week from Passion Sunday through Easter Day is the most significant week of the year for Christians. The magnitude of hearing the passion story has an impact upon us as we strive to live out our call to serve in the name of Jesus. Hearing the sacred readings of salvation history during the Easter Vigil provides a connection for us that we are part of an eternal, divine neighborhood of saints who are loved by a God who never stops to reach out, pick us up, love us and encourage us with the saving power of grace.
This is what we worship during Holy Week. And experiencing all of it gives considerable assistance to us in our understanding of God’s grace, the love of Christ, and the strength of the Holy Spirit to serve.
I look forward to serving you and worshipping with you during this week.
Clifton D. Eshbach,