Adult Education at Holy Spirit Winter/Spring 2014*
(*Adult education happens after Sunday worship, about 10:45 a.m.)
Are you ready for new seasons filled with awesome times of learning?
The hits just keep on coming! Join in and welcome our special guests for adults forums, and some Bible study “twists” to keep us thinking. Join your Holy Spirit friends for good conversation, interesting topics and…coffee. There has to be coffee!
Epiphany Term
It’s a different topic each week. From the global church to our life right around the corner and from issues related to aging to how everyone can have fun at church camp.
January 5: Epiphany Blessing of the House
As we exit worship this day, we will stop by the front door as the pastor offers a traditional “Blessing of Our House” for the new year. Children will receive a craft to take home, and each household will receive a copy of the house blessing to use at their home. It’s a great way to begin the new year by asking God to bless the place we call home.
January 12: Lutherans of Ethiopia: A Holy and Courageous Church
Lancaster County has a growing community of Lutherans from Ethiopia. Holy Spirit member Melese Anamo will share the story of the church in his native land and how it brings the gospel to people across the country.
January 19: Our Companions in Christ in Tanzania
Pastor Eshbach will be describing the valuable connection God has provided with our brothers and sisters in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. He will be joined by the Rev. John Mwasakilali from the Konde Diocese, who is currently studying at Gettysburg Seminary. You’ll see lots of photos of the church at work in Tanzania. And yes, there will be several photos of lions, and elephants and crocodiles, oh my!
January 26: What a Relief For Lutheran World Relief!
Lutheran World Relief is known for its quilts and care kits. But there is much more! Visiting us this day is Mrs. Beth McKinley, Philanthropic Advisor for the Mid-Atlantic Region of LWR. She will be sharing with us about the mission of LWR beyond the distribution of the care kits. We will also learn about our new Holy Spirit quilting group and how we can help them.