Sharing your time and talent is an important aspect of Biblical stewardship. With the start of a new school year, many people find September a good time to evaluate their personal priorities and often find new ways to serve. What are your special talents? Could you use them for our ministry at Holy Spirit or the community beyond our walls?
Think of what could enrich your worship experience. Perhaps it is serving as a lector or deacon, singing on the choir, or attending Sunday School or Bible Study. Maybe reaching out to the greater community of faith would add special meaning to your life as a Christian. You can help God’s people through volunteering at the Hempfield Food Pantry or through Love INC. We expect many of you will help create personal care kits and school kits on September 8 to help those in need in many parts of the world, through Lutheran World Relief. Thank you for your gifts of time and resources to assist these ministries.
Recently, the Thursday night bible study was reminded that all of us have been given gifts of the spirit to use for the common good of the community. Consider using your God given gifts for the benefit of God’s kingdom.